I remember vividly some time mid year 2012 the day i decided to go natural when i ran a scissors through my hair and big chopped every strand of hair, i felt so relieved. Although the comments i got from family and friends wasn't that encouraging, people who usually pass good comments at me suddenly saw me as in-attractive, at first i was so bothered about my new hair look and i felt less confident of my beauty and bang i suddenly regain my self confidence without no regrets what so ever. When i traveled back to Nigeria [my home country] for a visit, due to my natural hair look people kept wondering if i truly just returned from the UK [ 'university of Lincoln [where i had my undergraduate studies in accountancy and financial management]. Each time i visited the salon people kept staring at me in amazement telling me i needed to relax my hair and most hair stylist do look down on you just because you are wearing a natural look some feel you do not have enough money to relax your hair. Although some says they admire my courage for going natural while others felt i was going nuts for deciding to go natural as the popular believe in Nigeria is for every woman to get their hair permed. Natural hair is believed to be seen only on maids, villagers, SU's [scripture union religious people] and the stereotyping for natural hair is related to being crude and uncivilized. I formally use to think that way but as i researched and read more about African hair and how to care for it I became more enlightened and as i got to know more about the health hazard that could be caused by relaxers that change everything.
- Possible health effects of relaxers are scalp irritation, skin burns, permanent scarring, deep ulcerations, skin drying and cracking, dermatitis, irreversible baldness, eye damage including blindness and weak, dry, broken and damaged hair.
By going natural it gave me the opportunity to appreciate my natural God given hair, i was able to study my hair like a book during this one year growth i got to know the dos and don't for my hair, my hair became my pride, as we all know a woman's hair is her crown of glory so its appropriate for me to treat my crown of glory right. In doing this i do my best possible to eat healthy in other to feed not only my body but also my hair. As the saying goes we are what we eat, healthy living gives birth to healthy hair. What you sow is what you reap so therefore if you sow good nutrients into your body then you reap good hair, skin and overall well being. None the less, i do exercise as part of my hair growth regimen so i can confidently classify my hair growth regimen into these three habits
- Intake of nutritious food and vitamins which include balanced diet with lots of water.
- Regular exercise which include, aerobics, swimming and jogging
- Daily hair moisturizing treatment which include oiling my hair and weekly deep conditioning which includes my home made hair mask. Below is how i make my deep conditioning hair mask.........
- peal 2 over ripe avocados in to a blender in the absence of avocado i do use 2 over ripe bananas
- add 5 tea spoons of mayonaise
- add 3 tea spoons of condensed milk, in the absence of condensed milk use 5 tea spoons of
powdered milk, mix it into a thick liquid form
- if you want to lighten your hair add 5 tea spoons of honey if not skip the honey bit
- if you want to thicken your hair add 1 raw egg for short hair or 2 eggs for long hair [the length is relative] in my case i do not use egg because i am satisfied with the thickness of my hair. If you have reasonable thick hair i would advice you skip the egg bit because too much of protein can break your hair. I previously tried it ones and my hair became too condensed that i couldn't comb through freely and so each time i force the comb through my hair it snaps and break, so be careful when you do this.
- And finally, i blend all these ingredients together and put it on my hair for 30 mins and i cover it with either a plastic cap or kitchen cling film, then wash it off after 30mins, this will leave your hair feeling soft and moisturized. PLEASE NOT: if you do not blend it so smooth, your hair will be filled with avocado or banana particles which would end up looking white and silly i was once a victim of this until i lent to blend it as long as possible to make it 100 percent smooth like body cream. So there for, i urge any one who wants to try out this process to make sure you blend it as long as possible in other to get a very smooth creamy kind of feel so the end result should look like this
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