Firstly lets talk on weaves, before you hit the salon for your weave fix, make sure you deep condition your hair with a good deep conditioning treatment in order to strengthen your hair for any tension caused by fixing . The second step will be to moisturize your hair with a water based moisturizer or oil based moisturizer then move on to fix your weave, make sure your stylist do not fix your weave too tight because this can not only cause pain but can also break your hair strands.

How to moisturize your hair when wearing weaves
- lift up your weave tracks one after the other
- moisturize your hair line by line as shown below, the objective is to moisturize your own hair not the weave so you need to lift up the weaves one at a time in other to get your moisturizer directly on your own hair. if you are using cream or oil, rub it in with your finger tip or an alternative to this is using a spray bottle to spray each tracks line by line.
personally below is what i do.
first i get my spray bottle fill it with 50% water then mix any of my available hair oil [castor, avocado, olive or any other type of oil] 40%, and 10% of essential oil preferably rosemary or tea tree oil then shake the bottle and spray daily on your hair.
this will help moisturize your hair and combat dryness, itchiness and breakage.

On the other hand we do almost the same thing for braids
the only difference would be the application of water.- the first thing to do is to wet your hair with a damp towel/clothe [that is a clothe that is a little wet but not dripping] make sure the clothe is damp with warm or hot water
- put this round your head you do not have to cover the whole braid, you only need the water on your own hair not the whole braid
then leave on for 5mins let the water steam your hair then remove the towel and moisturize your scalp with oil. Next, rub in your hair cream, oil or spray the water bottle mix on your braided hair not the whole braid. Please Note when i say braided hair i mean from the root of your hair to the end of your hair this means you only moisturize your root to the tip of your own hair where your hair ends in the braids.
Personally when i wear medium braids after steaming my hair with a damp towel, i lift up ten '10' to twenty 20 strands of braids as seen above and i oil it from the root to the end of my hair 'where my own hair ends not the braid end' but when i do big braids i oil my strands one by one.
- Finally on take down day, [the day you loosen your weave or braid] make sure you loosen it with care and exercise enough patience to detangle your hair before washing.
- A very good and easy way to detangle your hair is to add a bit of wash out conditioner while detangling, this will ease the stress of having to combat knots and breakage and by so doing you will have less to know shedding.
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