There are numerous ways to stretch and style natural African hair, the first of hair stretching method is THE AFRICAN THREADING METHOD; this method involve the use of rubber or wool-like type of thread to rap around each section of hair by twisting/rapping the thread around each sections of hair step by step this allows the hair to stay stretched for as long as it stays in the thread. below is a picture of what a threaded hair looks like, the first picture represent a wool-like threaded hair and the other represent a rubber threaded hair.

both method gives the same stretched out result, the only difference is that the rubber thread is more painful and difficult to sleep-in while the wool-like thread is very comfortable to wear also one can put on a wig while using the wool-like thread unlike the rubber thread, one can not put on wigs because it would look puffy. Therefore, i suggest for anyone who wishes to stretch out their hair and still be able to rock wigs its advisable to go for the wool-like thread. Below was how i styled my hair after loosening the threads i used in stretching it.

The second hair stretching method is The BANTU KNOT OUT. this method is my favorite this is because the method does not only stretch the hair but it also add a bit of curls to the hair while being stretched and so the end result comes with a defined stretched curls. with this style one can wear wigs especially when each bantu hair is knotted in small sections but if knotted on big sections one might not be able to wear a wig on it as it will create a puffy look. below is an example of smaller and bigger sections of bantu knot.

another beautiful advantage added to this hair style is that while stretching the hair one can still look elegant because one can rock this hair style the way it is. Below are pictures of my bantu knot and the end result after loosening the knot. The curls effect pupped out on the stretched hair.
while i was stretching my hair in a bantu knot style i wore a wig bellow is the picture
and my stretched out end result of the bantu knot looked like these on day 1-3
The third method is THE TWO SECTION PONY STYLE. this method helps to stretch the hair just to some extent. the advantage of this hair style is that one can wear it out and it also creates a young look however, this method does not stretch out the hair 100%. below are images for two section pony puff.
Another method is the FLAT TWIST STYLE although this method stretches the hair but not 100% bellow are examples for this hair style. a strong advantage for this style is that one can wear it out.
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