Cleansing the vagina
to cleanse the vagina may seem to be quite self- evident. In fact, I
bet most of you have been cleansing your own vaginas' for quite some
time now. Cleansing of the vagina enables you to stay fresh, and sense a
clean feeling. However, many women have no idea that they are
completing the daily task incorrectly, and YES indeed, there is a
correct and incorrect way to cleanse the vagina!

The Basics of Cleansing Your Vagina
as the penis and testicles are sensitive organs for men, so is the
vaginal organ for women as well. These organs must be treated with
proper care and sensitivity when being cleansed.
- Washing with strong, perfumed soaps is NOT in the vaginas' best interest. These soaps contain too many chemicals that are unhealthy for the vagina. Using scented soaps "down there" can result in infections, such as, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). Mild, sensitive soaps with no scent or additives will surely leave you feeling fresh, and are safe for your vagina.
- Soaps such as :Summers Eve, and Dove Unscented are highly recommended, and affordable.These soaps can generally be found at your local grocery store. It may also be helpful to ask your doctor what soap brand he/she suggests.
- DO NOT clean the inside of the vagina, also known as "douching". The vagina is a self- cleansing organ, that cleans itself naturally, and does not need help from you! Cleansing the inside of the vagina can result in infection , and may lead to other vaginal issues.
- Focus on cleansing the outer layers of the vagina, like the labia, which will dismiss any left over residue from urinating, and other odor. Also, be sure to wash from front to back. Any wash cloth or old rag will do, even washing with your hands is okay. Be sure to rinse well.
- This is primarily enough cleansing as far as the vagina is concerned. Sit back , and let the vagina do the rest of the cleansing, for that is what it's equipped for , to self- clean!
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